Year 11 Information
At NSG we are dedicated to ensuring the success of our Y11 students. Our staff are always available to support and guide the students along with a team of teaching and support staff who carefully monitor progress and intervene.
There are a range of intervention sessions available across all subject areas for Y11, these include:
Small group tuition for English and Maths for selected students
After-school classes – Scheduled to run for a period of 4 weeks prior to the mock exams 2 weeks post mock exams and 6 weeks prior to the final exams
Revision sessions during the school holidays
Independent Study
All girls are provided with a revision guide and workbook for each subject area to support them with homework and independent study. It is recommended that all girls work independently at home or school for 1 hour per day.
Exam Practice
In order to prepare the girls as well as possible for their summer exams a range of exam practice sessions will be provided. These include:
Trial exams – All subjects in which students will complete a formal examination which will be used to identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to target future support and determine a predicted grade for College applications. Attendance during these weeks is vital.
Core Subject rotation – Taking place in the Hall, girls will complete English, Maths and Science, Humanities and French exams on a weekly rotations to gain; regular, targeted, exam focussed feedback.
Walking Talking Mocks – Designed to dispel the fear factor associated with exams, in these alternative style exams, teachers will lead students through exam papers, focussing on interpretation of the questions and modelling what a good answer looks like.
Y11 Roadmap Class of 25
​Details of all exams timetables both internal and external can be found on the Exams page.