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Below you will find a link to the SEND Policy, which outlines the school's provision for SEND pupils.​

SEND Policy


Below you will find a link to the local offer where you can find all of the SEN information for the city and information on Dyslexia support

The Local Offer - Hull​


Below you will find a link to the schools Accessibility plan​

Newland School Accessibility Plan


We believe in the limitless potential of all our students and we strive to ensure that every student, whatever their need, is successful in achieving their own personal goals through appropriate personalised support and intervention. We adopt an inclusive Quality First Teaching approach, where high expectations ensure that every SEN student is provided with a personalised plan aimed at accelerating learning at every level.


The well-being, personal development, progress and success of every child within the school is of the greatest importance and this requires:


  • The students to be at the centre of initiatives to improve attainment and progression

  • An environment where staff can collaborate to improve the quality of provision

  • The open exchange of information and the sharing of expertise across the school



Our values are integral to supporting SEND students and will provide:

  • A student with every opportunity to reach their full potential

  • Recognition of the limitless potential of all with no “one size fits all” approach to support

  • An Inspiring and challenging environment for students, generating a thirst for learning

  • Inclusive practice – ensuring provision matches need through diagnostic assessment and specialist consultation within a hierarchical response

  • An innovative environment where new interventions and resources are embraced and initiated in a culture of continuous improvement

  • The sharing of good practice within an appropriate and continuous cycle of CPD

  • An on-going drive to achieve academic and personal success



That the school will contribute to the Hull Local Offer [see link below). The Local Offer is a statutory requirement of the LA to publish in one place a summary of all the educational, health and social services support available within that authority. The school will publish on their website an SEN Information Report in compliance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014 (6.79) and this report will be updated annually at the start of a new academic year. This policy complies with the regulations of the Children & families Act 2014 and the revised SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 years 2015 which requires schools to provide:


“High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised and will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people. Some children and young people need educational provision that is additional to or different from this. This is special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Schools and colleges must use their best endeavours to ensure that such provision is made for those who need it. Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.” CoP 1.24


Definition of SEN

“A young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. Children and young people who have SEN may also have a disability under the Equality Act 2010. Where a young person is covered by SEN and disability legislation, reasonable adjustments and access arrangements should be considered as part of the SEN planning and review.” CoP 2015


Students identified as having a SEN fall into one of two categories:

  1. SEN Support: These students typically meet at least two of the qualifying criteria (Appendix 1) within the four broad areas of need.

  2. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs): A minority of students will have an Education Health and Care Plan which sets out the need and the arrangements needed to support that student in school.


The Graduated response Where a concern is raised about a student in class the first step is for the subject teacher to assess the student’s needs in that area and create an appropriate plan of action to be implemented in the classroom over a finite period of time after which progress will be reviewed. The teacher’s response should follow the following structure:-

  • Assess

  • Plan

  • Do

  • Review


Quality First Teaching (QFT) is the expectation that most issues can be resolved by the subject teacher applying an appropriate support strategy within the classroom setting.

If the problem remains unresolved after a range of appropriate support strategies have been tried, then the subject teacher will seek the advice of the SENCo who will work collaboratively with the teacher to explore alternative forms of support.


Physical Access

  • All main site buildings to have the capacity for ramped or lift access to downstairs rooms and a disabled toilet

  • All subject areas to have ground floor classroom access

  • First floor access for manual wheelchairs via a lift, which is operated by trained staff.

  • Classroom adaptations as appropriate e.g. adjustable/alternative height tables, work benches, and sinks.

  • All classrooms have blinds and the ability to have carpets to support sensory impairment.

  • All students have access to laptop or IPad for aid where necessary.


Identification of Need

Typically through routine transition data collections, visits to the feeder primary school, transitional review meetings (where appropriate), student induction days, information from involved support services and the Y6 parent’s evening.

For students transferring from out of catchment, mid-term or joining the school after Y7 information is requested from parents, student, external agencies (if applicable) and the previous school. In addition, the school will use base line data from half termly data collections and any necessary additional testing as well as annual spelling and reading tests. 


The SEND Code of Practice states:

‘6.79 The governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools and the proprietors of academy schools must publish information on their websites about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEN. The information published should be updated annually and any changes to the information occurring during the year should be updated as soon as possible.’  (Page 106 Special Educational Needs Code of Practice)


Contact details:

SENCO – Mr Guy Lloyd 01482 343098

Director of English – Mrs C Gowland 01482 343098


Teaching and Learning

Internal Support provision

To ensure the development of independent learners, we employ a range of provision both internally and externally to meets the individual needs of the students. In addition to training teaching staff, we also currently employ four Teaching Assistants, SENCo and EAL Lead teacher to ensure that our students have access to the support required.

  • In-class support (Teaching Assistance)

  • Small withdrawal from classes, with TA support

  • Literacy intervention classes taught by subject specialists

  • Numeracy intervention classes taught by subject specialists

  • Reading Support

  • Coloured overlays and exercise books

  • IT resources (laptops & tablets)

  • Lunchtime homework clubs

  • Physiotherapy/school nurse

  • EAL programmes (EAL – English as an additional language)

  • Exam Access concessions at KS4

  • Quality First Teaching (QFT) – Mainstream teachers provide an initial graduated response to concerns raised about a student.

  • Access to a variety of extracurricular opportunities

  • Work experience opportunity in Y10


External Support

The inclusion provision works routinely with the following agencies:

  • EIS (Education Inclusion Service – includes educational psychology)

  • SALT (Speech & language Therapy)

  • Partnership work with ALP (Alternative Learning Provisions)

  • IPaSS (Integrated Physical & Sensory Support)

  • CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)

  • YFSS (Youth & Family Support Service)

  • Social Services

  • Physiotherapy / Occupational Therapy

  • Northcott School Autism Outreach Service

  • KIDS

  • NHS (School nurse)


Annual Reviews

Monitoring, Evaluation & Assessment

SEN Support

  • Students who are placed on an academic intervention programme are tested before and after the programme in order to assess the progress they have made. Once a student has been reassessed the decision is taken as to whether more support is needed or not.

  • Whole school data collections provide an opportunity for SLT and governors to ensure SEND students are reaching their predicted target grades.

  • Half Termly review are completed after each data collection by Director of Learning and are influential in determining which intervention programmes need to be implemented to support underachieving students and those students identified as SEND. As well as subject data; book scrutiny, learning walks and lesson observations all help to identify need. 

  • Raising Attainment and Progress focus groups for each year meet every 2/4 weeks monitor the progress of students identified with an SEN need.


Statutory Assessment

If a student continues to make less than expected progress despite evidence-based support and interventions that are matched to the student’s area of need, and the involvement of specialist services, the school may consider a referral for a statutory assessment of education, health and care needs. This may lead to the issue of an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan which will set out needs and the provision required to meet those needs.


Statements / EHCPs

An annual review of a statement / EHC Plan is carried out close to the anniversary of the statement/EHC Plan issue date, (if it is a new statement or EHC Plan), or within 12 months of the previous review. Support arrangements are discussed with parents and the student to ensure resources are being used to maximum effect.

In Year 9 EHC plan review meetings, discussions will focus on transition and post 16 requirements. A member of the careers advisory service will be invited to the meeting to give specialist input.



Home / School Links

  • Parents’ evenings/settling in evening

  • Induction evening

  • Parent workshops/parental partners

  • Annual reviews

  • Individual arrangements where appropriate and depending on need

  • Letters, phone calls and use of the planner are on-going.

Parents are encouraged to contact the school if they have any concerns; usually the first point of contact is either the SENCo or the student’s Head of House. If parents are unhappy with the service provided, they would be invited to contact Mrs Martinson, Deputy Headteacher.


School Links

All schools within the Trust contribute to the Hull “Local Offer” details of which can be found at: and which complies with a local authority’s statutory duty to publish in one place information about the support available in their area across education, health and social care. The schools SENCo attend the SENCo Forum. All schools within the Trust will publish on their website an SEN Information Report in compliance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014 (6.79) and this report will be updated annually at the start of a new academic year.



On-going staff training in SEN issues runs throughout the year during staff training days and CPD twilight sessions on Mondays. We also offer additional CPD opportunities to our staff on Wednesdays to develop their skills in providing for SEN needs. We run parent workshops where the focus is on home / school collaboration to maximize the impact of any interventions being delivered in school.


Keeping Children Safe

Newland School for girls believes that the health and well-being of students is fundamental to ensuring the development of students, who feel safe and confident.


Before /after school

Students can enter the school though both the front and back entrance. If students arrive by car, the front lay-by is the safest option, access gained from both Cottingham Road and Inglemire, through the University grounds. Pedestrian access can also be gained from Inglemire Lane. Both gates are locked during school time, so the only access after the start of the school day if via the main reception.  Should a student require assistance, the school can work with parent to create an individual travel plan.

If students have concerns before the start of the school day, they can access the Students Services, and their Year Mentors for support and advice



The Learning Support Area is available at lunchtime for SEN students to socialise in a monitored and secure environment allowing students an opportunity to develop confidence through playing games and interacting with peers. There is also an opportunity for students to discuss any concerns they have with the SENCo or their Pastoral Mentor.


Safeguarding remains at the heart of education, and every opportunity is undertaken to ensure the safety of students within lessons and during enrichment activities. The school operates a strict procedure for conducting any activity that could be deems as a risk, following the guideline and expectations set out in ‘Evolve’ the Educations Trips and Visits assessment Hull.



The school does not tolerate bullying and has a detailed Anti-bullying policy highlighting our expectations (see policy section on Website). At Newland School for Girls, any form of bullying towards any member of the school community is unacceptable. No member of the school community should have to tolerate racist or sexist abuse or name calling of any kind. At Newland School for Girls we aim to prevent bullying, we expect students to demonstrate respect for themself, respect for others and respect for the environment.   Any incidences of bullying are dealt with quickly and thoroughly, using a restorative approach.

Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

If students require prescribed medications, they should bring in the medication in a labelled bag, and leave at student’s services who administer as indicated in the prescription.


Health Care plans

Should a student’s require a health care plan, the school will work with parents to ensure that we meet the student’s needs, and communicate relevant information with the student’s subject teachers, where appropriate. If a student has a particular medical needs, the school will ensure that staff have proficient training, for e.g. to administer an EPI Pen, or use a defibrillator. If the school does not have the expertise, we have access to a variety of extended services.


Communication with Parents

If parents have a concern about their daughter, they should contact their Year Pastoral Mentor as the first point of contact, followed by their HOH. (See contacts section on the website) We do operate and open door policy, but should you wish to meet with a particular member of staff it’s advisable to make prior arrangements. On transition evening and at all parents evenings, all senior members of staff and relevant pastoral mentors are available. The SENCo is available throughout all our parents’ evenings.


Working Together

To ensure that our students achieve their limitless potential, there is an expectation for all students to complete a home/school contract; these are reviewed should the need be required.

We uphold the views and opinions of the students at Newland, and their feedback influences the whole school decisions. Newland has a school senate that meet termly to discuss whole school and house related issues, composed of students from Y7-11, from each house.


What Help and Support is available for the Family?

Pastoral mentors and administrative staff will support parental requests for support in other applications and forms, as required and when asked. The school operates a range of services for young people. We have external agencies that come into School in the form of the Youth Development Service & the Listen up Project. Both are able to offer support regarding the following concerns: transition worries, low self-esteem, friendship issues, anger management, anxiety etc. The list is not exhaustive and we encourage pupils to speak with a member of staff if are worried about anything and we will always seek additional support where required. We are also able to refer pupils into other external support networks as and when required. We have a school nurse who conducts a drop in service one lunch time per week and pupils can speak with her about all medical concerns. We also offer a peer mentor service, where students can speak with older peer mentors in school, or where the needs is required, 1;1 session can be arrange with trained mentors within school.


Mrs Piercy manages the school bus service and any parent wishing to know the routes or have their child use the service should contact her directly at the school.


Transition from Primary School and School Leavers

In the summer term, the Y7 Pastoral mentor visits every feeder primary school to provide the school and Y6 students with vital information, and obtain necessary data in the aim to support and meet individual needs. We invite the Y6 students and their parent/carer to attend an induction evening, which is then followed by a three day induction period in school. This is an opportunity for students to meet with the staff and other students. Any concerns can be address during this induction process, ahead to the start of the school year.  For new students from alternative years, or for mid-term entries, we operate a buddy system, and place pupils on a settling in report to monitor the process.


All pupils attend transition events in Y10 for college applications and all students receive careers advice and support to complete their application form. Through school there are a range of graduated and progressive events focused on developing and building confidence and skills for pupils to be able to be self-sufficient to meet the challenges faced after leaving school. In Year 9, SEN students have a Progress Interview where post 16 transition is discussed.


Extra-Curricular Activities

After school classes are available for all students. A full timetable is provided in the Parent section on the school website. Regardless of need, after school classes are tailored to the individual needs of students. All students who require a taxi home will share with other students and the school will fund the cost of this. Where disadvantaged students have educational need for a trip or activity the school will fund this on an individual basis.


Contact Details:

Newland School for Girls, Cottingham Road, Kingston upon Hull, England HU6 7RU


Initial queries from Parents and members of the Public will be to Miss H Edwards, PA to the Headteacher.


Telephone: 01482 - 343098, Fax: 01482 - 441416, Email:


Headteacher: Vicky Callaghan

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