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  • Secondary | Newland School for Girls | England | All-girls Education

    Likumā noteiktā informācija Izglītības departaments pieprasa, lai visās skolu tīmekļa vietnēs būtu ietverta noteikta informācija. Lai atvieglotu tās atrašanu, šajā lapā ir sniegti īsceļi uz galveno informāciju gan šajā vietnē, gan ārpus tās. Skolas kontaktinformācija Uzņemšanas kārtība Ofsted ziņojums Eksāmenu un vērtēšanas rezultāti Veiktspējas tabulas Mācību programma Uzvedības politika Uzvedības politika — COVID-19 papildinājums Skolas sūdzību iesniegšanas kārtība Skolēnu prēmija Informācija par īpašām izglītības vajadzībām (SEN) un invaliditāti Pārvaldnieku informācija un pienākumi Uzlādes un atlaižu politika Vērtības un ētika Papīra kopiju pieprasījums Bērnu aizsardzības politika CEIAG politika, skolēna CEIAG tiesības Pakalpojumu sniedzēja piekļuves politika Karjeras Back

  • Secondary | Newland School for Girls | England | Marketing Page - Please Do Not Delete

    Close Newland girls can #AchieveAnything A diverse, highly aspirational and high-achieving all-girls school in Hull How an all-girls education could benefit your daughter It is a big decision to choose a school where your daughter will grow and flourish through the next five years. Whilst moving to secondary school is an exciting time, it can also be an anxious one. You want your daughter to be happy and safe and then develop her character and confidence to be able to achieve her full potential. When investigating which school best suits your daughter best, the most available, the most important consideration is. A good school is a good school... read more... Newland School for Girls ‘Pupils at this school believe they can achieve anything’ We’re delighted to share with you all the launch our new school campaign ‘#AchieveAnything’ The campaigns aim is to help to raise awareness of Newland School for Girls, and to provide a platform for some of our current students to share their experience of attending the school, highlight their positive thinking and share their encouragement for year 6 students in Hull who will be transitioning to secondary school in September. In our recent Ofsted report in November 2021, one of the key themes was: “School leaders, including governors, have high aspirations for pupils. They believe it is their responsibility to create young women who are prepared to be leaders of the future. Pupils at this school believe they can ‘achieve anything’.” We are proud of our student’s belief that they can achieve anything they put their mind to. So, as part of a marketing house challenge competition, we asked our students to think of a positive affirmation statement that reflected how they felt about themselves and how being at Newland School for Girls is helping them to feel this way. In addition, they were asked to think of a positive quote to help inspire and support other students in Hull that will form part of a positivity book that will be launched later this year. The marketing house challenge included girls from years 7, 8, 9 & 10 with several girls selected to be included in the campaign. The students have been fantastic, supporting in the marketing content creation including photography and video creation, we are super proud of what they have achieved. Over the next few months, we will be sharing the content and we encourage you to share the content to friends and family to spread the girl’s positivity and celebrate our school! Thank you to all the girls for their support! #AchieveAnything Interested in joining Newland School for Girls? First Name Last Name Email Message Submit

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