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Pupil Premium and Recovery Funding

Pupil premium strategu statement 2023-2024

Pupil premium strategy statement 2022-2023

Pupil premium strategy statement 2021 2022

Pupil premium strategy statement 2020/2021

Pupil premium strategy statement 2019/2020 report


Click the link below to see the school report on the COVID-19 Catch up premium plan.

COVID-19 Catch up premium plan


What are our aims for the Pupil Premium Grant?

The aim of the Pupil Premium is to identify and implement strategies that help to increase social mobility and reduce the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged pupils nationally. We have placed a strong emphasis on securing foundations in literacy and in supporting the family as a whole, in order to secure good attendance.


Who benefits from the Pupil Premium Grant?

At Newland School for Girls, we ensure that the Pupil Premium Grant has the most benefit for those with the greatest disadvantage. Our intention is to build capacity and maximise our impact. Being a small school with a large proportion of disadvantaged children means that some of the interventions put in place are shared by children who are not in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. We do this in order to promote good progress for all children.


What barriers do pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant face?

The barriers and challenges disadvantaged pupils face are complex and varied- there is no single difficulty faced by all. However, we have identified several barriers that we believe are particularly relevant to our disadvantaged children in our context.

These are the key barriers we have identified:

  • Difficulty in developing a Growth mind set and maintaining resilience

  • Attendance, as a results of factors affecting physical health or wellbeing

  • Reduced access to revision materials and a dedicated home learning environment

  • Additional input required to support parental engagement

We allocate our Pupil Premium Grant to resources that aim to close the gaps in these areas.


How do we decide how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant?

In deciding how to use our Pupil Premium Grant, we draw upon the following sources:

  • Sutton Trust report: “The Pupil Premium: Next Steps”

  • Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit

  • Research on disadvantaged pupils and the vocabulary gap,

  • Our combined professional experience of what works best


From these sources we have identified the following priority areas for spending:

  • Teaching and support staff

  • Small group and/or individual intervention groups

  • Robust vocabulary interventions

  • Resources and transport to support revision




Contact Details:

Newland School for Girls, Cottingham Road, Kingston upon Hull, England HU6 7RU


Initial queries from Parents and members of the Public will be to Miss H Edwards, PA to the Headteacher.


Telephone: 01482 - 343098, Fax: 01482 - 441416, Email:


Headteacher: Vicky Callaghan

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