Period 4 Programme
Personal Development Programme
RSE and PSHE curriculum will be taught over the three days of the week and tutors will follow a programme of weekly activities during period 4. The lessons will be planned using the PSHE Association resources, JIGSAW and a careers programme. All sessions are pre-planned by the Heads of House but will be delivered daily by teaching staff who are trained half termly on the content covered. From Year 7 to Year 11, Jigsaw and PSHE association lessons are differentiated and adapted to be taught and suit the context and needs of our local community. Lessons are designed to broaden students' understanding and awareness of a large range of life skills and topics which are needed to help them become well rounded young people and citizens. Lessons are taught and looked at from a very personal perspective and all lessons are integral to the development and well-being of the students.
The Jigsaw content which is adapted and delivered can be seen via six main topics as shown in the table below. Students study the six same topics each year but at a level which is appropriate for their age and ability. By teaching the curriculum and content in this way students are able to gain a greater depth of knowledge and understanding in each topic as the lessons build year on year and visit issues which are more appropriate at that time in their lives.
JIGSAW lessons cover the statutory PSHE requirements, with topics areas on:
· Relationships
· Being Me In My World
· Celebrating Difference
· Dreams and Goals
· Healthy Me
· Changing Me