We believe that effective career guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation, and overcoming barriers to success. Newland School for Girls is committed to delivering high-quality CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) which empowers pupils to make informed career decisions. Our goal is to equip our pupils with the necessary skills to adapt to an ever-changing economic climate, inspiring them to become life-long career learners. This is achieved through a comprehensive programme of activities that spans Year 7 through Year 11, and beyond, and is based on the nationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks.
Careers Programme
Newland Careers Programme 2024-2025
Our careers programme consists of; school based activities led by internal staff, events involving external partners (such as colleges, alumni, training providers, employers, and universities) and external visits.
The Careers Team
Trust Careers Leader
Mrs Erica Hood
Tel: 01482 342229
Mr B Ash: Director of Pupil Engagement –
Mr L Tether: Careers linked Governor
Work Placement

Log On Move On - How To Video

Applying to Apprenticeships

Careers Presentations
Upcoming events
Throughout the year we will be hosting a number of events to allow our students to meet with training providers and colleges to find out about the opportunities available to them. Students will also have the chance to meet with employers to find out about; the skills required for specific careers, the general employability skills that all employers value, the career decisions they have made and the pathways they have followed (vocational courses, A levels, T levels, apprenticeships and traineeships). Engaging with employers provides our students with a valuable insight into the world of work and what it takes to be successful in the workplace.
Alongside our student voice committee, our Enterprise Adviser, Jo Fleming has an instrumental role in developing our employer engagement events.
Parents, pupils and staff can keep up to date with the latest events in our careers programme by checking out our Twitter page @KelvinCareers.
College and Training Provider Open Events 2023-2024
Useful downloads

HBTC Guides
Employer links
We have worked with the following organisations in recent years to support students as they explore and prepare for their futures:
The following link outlines the variety of ways employers can work in partnership with education providers
We are always seeking to expand our networks. If you are an employer who is enthusiastic about helping to shape the workforce of the future you may want to sign yourselves up for our upcoming events or work experience programme. Please contact our Careers Leader to find out more.
How we measure and assess the impact of the Careers Programme on pupils
We regularly request feedback from parents, pupils, local further education and apprenticeship providers and employers to ensure that we are continually improving our Careers programme, which is monitored monthly and updated annually. Teaching staff are involved in the delivery of the Careers programme and also provide support on careers off-timetable days, ensuring that they are able to make the link between curriculum subjects and careers.
In Year 11, all our pupils complete a “What Next” proforma to inform us of their intended destination. Using the information we gather, we work closely with Connexions to provide additional targeted support to pupils. In addition to this, the data enables us to monitor our pupil destinations and the number of students who progress into various post-16 opportunities. Connexions also provide follow-up information, which serves to monitor drop-out rates from destinations. These factors are taken into consideration when reviewing the CEIAG programme.
Useful links
National Careers Service
Making Informed Choices
Student Finance
LMi Humber
Contact Details
Mrs Erica Hood, Trust Careers Leader
Kelvin Hall School, Bricknell Avenue, Hull HU5 4QH Tel: 01482 342229
Policy and Documents
Newland School for Girls Careers Strategy