Regular school attendance and good punctuality means your child can make the most of their education and will improve their choices in adult life. It will also help them when they enter the world of work. We expect that all students have attendance of 97% or above in order to achieve her full potential. The chart below shows how few absences are required to achieve this.
Some illnesses will inevitably result in absence from school. Please ensure that if your daughter is absent you contact the school attendance team to notify us on either 01428 343098 ext 233 or via email In the event that we do not receive this information we will contact you as part of our safeguarding procedures. Where an absence is unavoidable please share evidence of the doctor's appointment attended or prescription that was issued so that we can authorise your daughter's absence and to prevent any impact on her eligibility for attendance rewards. In line with the advice below we would encourage you to send your daughter to school with any of these minor ailments. You can send medication in with your daughter along with a permission note and this can be kept for her at student services. In the event that your daughter is too unwell to remain at school we would contact you to collect her.
Planned appointments must be made outside of school hours, where this is not possible we would expect your daughter to attend school before and/or after her appointment as we cannot authorise a full day absence for a local appointment. We recognise that some specialist appointments can be a significant distance away and in that case attendance at school on the day may not be feasible. Again please supply a copy or photo/screenshot of your appointment in order for us to authorise your daughter's absence.
We are very proud of the outstanding attendance of our students at Newland and as such we reward this. Students are issued with 25 NSG dollars for each week of 100% attendance, students with 100% attendance for the year are recognised at Aspiration Awards evening. All students with 100% attendance each week are rewarded with a weekly sweet treat and where attendance is 100% for a half term are invited to a rewards lunch and all of those with authorised attendance above 97% are eligible to attend our termly attendance rewards trip the first of which this year will be a Christmas shopping trip to Meadowhall on 19th December.
The Department for Education classifies any child with an attendance below 90% regardless of the reason for their absence, to be a persistent absentee. This equates to just two days each month. Statistics show that persistent absentees are less likely to achieve their full potential and it can affect GCSE grades and a child’s future prospects. School helps children and young people with their social skills, making and maintaining friendships, building confidence and self esteem. If your child does not attend school regularly it will affect their attainment and progress because of missed work.
The school works very closely with the Local Authority who may issue ‘Fixed Penalty Fines’ where attendance is unsatisfactory and in the most serious cases prosecution may occur.
Please be aware that there are significant changes to the fines for unauthorised absence and Holidays as of August 19th 2024. Please see the following link for further details;
​​Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know
Fines for parents for taking children out of school: What you need to know